Zach Ferrenburg

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Conscious Coaching: The Art and Science of Building Buy-In by Brett Bartholomew


"Conscious Coaching" by Brett Bartholomew is a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of the world of coaching and human performance. In this book, Bartholomew draws from his extensive experience as a strength and conditioning coach, working with athletes, professionals, and coaches, to provide a comprehensive guide on improving coaching techniques and helping individuals unlock their full potential.


The core theme of "Conscious Coaching" revolves around the idea of understanding and connecting with the individuals being coached on a deep, personal level. Bartholomew argues that effective coaching goes beyond just sets and reps or Xs and Os; it's about truly comprehending the human element in the coaching relationship. He introduces the concept of "conscious coaching," a paradigm that integrates not only the physical aspects of performance but also the psychological and emotional dimensions.

Key Concepts:

  1. The Athlete-Centered Approach: Bartholomew emphasizes that successful coaching hinges on an athlete-centered approach. Coaches need to understand that each athlete is unique, with their own motivations, fears, and learning styles. By tailoring their coaching to meet these individual needs, coaches can bring out the best in their athletes.

  2. Communication and Connection: The book delves deeply into the importance of effective communication and building strong connections with athletes. Bartholomew provides practical advice on how to break down barriers, inspire trust, and enhance the coach-athlete relationship.

  3. Emotional Intelligence: One of the book's standout features is its focus on emotional intelligence. The author argues that coaches must develop a high level of emotional intelligence to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of their athletes. This ability can significantly impact the effectiveness of coaching.

  4. Feedback and Buy-In: Bartholomew provides strategies for delivering constructive feedback in a way that encourages athlete buy-in and fosters a positive training environment. He believes that feedback should be a two-way street, with athletes actively participating in the process.

  5. Adaptability and Flexibility: The author also stresses the need for coaches to be adaptable and flexible in their approach. Each athlete's journey is unique, and the ability to adjust coaching techniques as needed is essential for long-term success.


  • The book is well-structured, making it easy to navigate and understand.

  • Real-life anecdotes and examples from Bartholomew's coaching experience provide practical insights.

  • It's a comprehensive resource for coaches at all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

  • The emphasis on emotional intelligence and building strong relationships sets this book apart.


  • Some readers might find the book's focus on the psychological aspects of coaching too intensive or theoretical.

  • While the book provides many examples and stories, additional case studies or scenarios would enhance its practicality.


"Conscious Coaching" by Brett Bartholomew is a highly recommended read for anyone involved in coaching, whether in sports or other fields. By embracing the principles of conscious coaching, you can become a more effective and empathetic coach, helping individuals not only achieve their physical goals but also grow as people. Bartholomew's emphasis on the human element in coaching is a refreshing perspective that challenges conventional coaching methods, and it offers a path toward more meaningful and impactful coaching experiences.