CEO Strength Coach by Ron McKeefery


"CEO Strength Coach" by Ron McKeefery is a compelling and insightful book that delves into the world of strength and conditioning, leadership, and personal development. McKeefery's journey, from a college strength coach to a leader in the field of athletic performance, serves as a backdrop for a book that offers valuable lessons in leadership, mentorship, and the pursuit of excellence. In this comprehensive review, we will explore the content, structure, and significance of "CEO Strength Coach."

Author Background

Ron McKeefery is a highly respected figure in the strength and conditioning community. With a background as a strength coach in collegiate and professional sports, McKeefery's extensive experience forms the foundation of his book. His career has spanned roles in Division I athletics, the NFL, and the MLB, where he has trained some of the world's top athletes. His passion for mentorship and leadership has made him a sought-after speaker and educator in the field.

Book Structure

"CEO Strength Coach" is organized to reflect McKeefery's career journey and the lessons he has learned along the way. The book is divided into several sections:

Chapter 1: The Best You

McKeefery opens the book by emphasizing the importance of personal growth and development. He highlights the significance of being the best version of oneself before attempting to lead and inspire others.

Chapter 2: Your Team, Your Family

McKeefery discusses the concept of the coaching team as a family. He underscores the importance of building a cohesive, motivated group of individuals dedicated to the team's mission.

Chapter 3: Are You a Real Coach?

The author reflects on what it means to be a real coach. He explores the role of a coach in helping individuals reach their potential and the characteristics that define great coaches.

Chapter 4: We Are Not in the Gym Business

McKeefery challenges the notion that strength coaches are simply in the business of training athletes. He asserts that they are in the business of helping individuals reach their full potential, both athletically and in life.

Chapter 5: Leadership Development

This chapter delves into leadership development, focusing on the importance of mentorship, identifying leadership qualities, and fostering the next generation of leaders.

Chapter 6: Culture Trumps Everything

McKeefery explores the critical role of culture in any organization. He shares practical insights into creating a winning culture, establishing core values, and maintaining a positive and productive environment.

Chapter 7: Inspire Before You Expire

The book concludes with a reflection on the impact and legacy of a coach. McKeefery challenges coaches to focus on inspiring those they lead and to create a lasting legacy.

Key Strengths

Practical Insights: "CEO Strength Coach" offers practical and actionable advice for coaches, leaders, and anyone seeking personal growth and development. McKeefery's real-life experiences and examples make the book a valuable resource.

Emphasis on Leadership: McKeefery's focus on leadership, mentorship, and creating a positive culture is a standout feature of the book. These leadership principles are applicable not only in sports but in various aspects of life and business.

Personal Touch: The author's personal anecdotes and experiences bring the book to life and make it relatable to readers. McKeefery's transparency and authenticity contribute to the book's impact.

Mentorship and Legacy: The book underscores the importance of mentorship and the legacy that coaches can leave behind. These themes are both inspiring and thought-provoking.


Niche Audience: While the book contains broader leadership principles, it is primarily targeted at coaches, making it less accessible to a general audience.

Linear Structure: The book follows a relatively linear structure, which may not be as engaging for those looking for a more thematic or narrative-driven approach.


"CEO Strength Coach" by Ron McKeefery is a compelling and insightful book that transcends the world of sports and offers valuable lessons in leadership, mentorship, and personal development. McKeefery's experiences and wisdom provide readers with practical insights and inspiration to excel in their roles as leaders and coaches.

The book serves as a valuable resource for those in the field of strength and conditioning, offering a blueprint for creating a positive culture, developing leadership skills, and leaving a lasting legacy. McKeefery's emphasis on personal growth, mentorship, and inspiring others is a testament to the power of leadership and the positive impact it can have on individuals and organizations.

In summary, "CEO Strength Coach" is a testament to the power of leadership and mentorship in the field of strength and conditioning. It offers a wealth of practical advice, personal insights, and inspiration for coaches and leaders seeking to make a meaningful and lasting impact on their teams and athletes.


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