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Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong And The Surprising Science Of Real Toughness by Steve Magness


In a world that often glorifies quick fixes and instant gratification, Steve Magness's "Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong And The Surprising Science Of Real Toughness" emerges as a beacon of truth. With a blend of scientific insight, personal anecdotes, and practical wisdom, Magness challenges prevailing notions of resilience and unveils the secrets to true toughness. In this comprehensive review, we'll delve into the content, structure, and significance of "Do Hard Things."

Author Background

Steve Magness is a renowned coach, author, and lecturer with deep expertise in the fields of sports science and performance psychology. Drawing from his experiences as a coach and athlete, as well as his extensive research, Magness brings a unique perspective to the exploration of resilience. His background in elite athletics infuses the book with authenticity, while his academic rigor ensures that the concepts presented are firmly grounded in scientific evidence.

Book Structure

"Do Hard Things" is thoughtfully structured to guide readers through the intricacies of resilience and toughness. The book is divided into several sections:

Introduction: Rethinking Resilience

Magness sets the stage by challenging common misconceptions about resilience and toughness. He introduces the concept of "The Resilience Equation" and lays the groundwork for the discussions that follow.

Part I: The Science of Struggle

In this section, Magness explores the science behind resilience, drawing from research in psychology, physiology, and neuroscience. He unpacks the mechanisms that underpin our ability to overcome adversity and thrive in the face of challenges.

Part II: The Role of Stress

Magness delves into the role of stress in building resilience, challenging readers to reframe their relationship with stress and embrace it as a catalyst for growth. He explores the concept of "stress inoculation" and its profound implications for personal development.

Part III: The Art of Recovery

In this section, Magness discusses the importance of recovery in the resilience equation. He offers practical strategies for optimizing recovery, both physical and mental, and emphasizes the critical role it plays in sustaining long-term performance.

Part IV: Putting It All Together

Magness synthesizes the key concepts explored in the book and offers a roadmap for cultivating resilience in everyday life. He provides actionable steps for readers to implement, empowering them to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and growth.

Key Strengths

Scientific Rigor: "Do Hard Things" is grounded in rigorous scientific research, providing readers with a solid understanding of the mechanisms that underpin resilience. Magness effectively translates complex scientific concepts into accessible language, making the book engaging and informative.

Practical Wisdom: While rooted in science, the book is highly practical, offering actionable insights and strategies that readers can apply to their own lives. Magness's coaching experience shines through as he provides real-world examples and exercises to help readers cultivate resilience.

Holistic Approach: Magness takes a holistic approach to resilience, exploring its psychological, physiological, and emotional dimensions. By addressing the interconnectedness of these factors, he provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of what it truly means to be resilient.

Engaging Writing Style: Magness's writing is engaging and accessible, making "Do Hard Things" a pleasure to read. His personal anecdotes and storytelling draw readers in, while his clear explanations ensure that even complex concepts are easy to grasp.


Repetitive at Times: Some readers may find certain concepts repeated throughout the book, which could potentially lead to a sense of redundancy.

Limited Diversity of Examples: While Magness draws from a wide range of research studies, the book could benefit from a more diverse range of real-world examples to illustrate its principles.


In "Do Hard Things," Steve Magness offers a compelling exploration of resilience and toughness, challenging readers to rethink their approach to adversity and personal growth. Grounded in science and brought to life through engaging storytelling, the book provides readers with the knowledge and tools they need to cultivate resilience in their own lives.

By reframing resilience as a dynamic process that encompasses stress, recovery, and growth, Magness empowers readers to embrace challenges and harness them as opportunities for transformation. Whether you're an athlete striving for peak performance or an individual seeking personal development, "Do Hard Things" offers a roadmap to unlock your true potential and thrive in the face of adversity.